
Jugo de frutas

El jugo, es considerado saludable. Está compuesto por agua, fruta, azúcar, ácidos de frutas y minerales. El contenido de vitaminas depende del tipo de jugo. Según la cantidad de agua que contengan es la susceptibilidad a adquirir microorganismos, por lo cual debe ser procesado cuidadosa e higiénicamente.

Producción de Jugo

La producción está dividida en dos pasos:

1. Extracción del Jugo: cultivación y preparación

La fruta es limpiada y clasificada después de haber sido cosechada. Ésta es exprimida y preparada para su envío, o bien cuando se produce gran cantidad de jugo a la vez, se lleva en forma de concentrado para optimizar la capacidad de los medios de transporte. Otra ventaja de transportarlo como concentrado, es la requisición de menor espacio así como la reducción de la intensidad de refrigeración.
Si la planta embotelladora se encuentra cerca, el jugo puede ser embotellado si la necesidad de convertirlo en concentrado, reduciendo así una parte del proceso.
La cantidad de jugo obtenido por fruta es de un 40% a un 85% del peso de la fruta, dependiendo de su tamaño. La conductividad de las gamas de jugo varia de un 2.0 a 16.0 mS/cm. La extracción del jugo es un negocio de temporada, es decir, está restringido para algunos periódos dentro del año, razón por la cual se aconseja que durante esos periodos la capacidad de producción de la planta esté al máximo, lo cuál requiere de gran tecnología. El hecho de detener la producción en las estaciones de cosecha infringe en el deterioro de la calidad de la fruta y esto se refleja en pérdidas monetarias.
Después de que la fruta llega de las granjas a las plantas procesadoras, es necesario basarse en la regulación y controles de HACCP del usuario final.
Primero debe de ser producido el cocentrado, y este debe de ser preservado y documentado con fechas con el fin de mantenerlo fresco para su uso final.

2. Embotellado del jugo: ajuste y embotellamiento

El jugo es ajustado al tamaño de la botella, según la cantidad de agua y concentrado basados en el tipo de jugo. A veces es necesario mezclar diferentes cantidades de concentrado para obtener un sabor consistente. También puede optarse por mezclar el jugo de varias frutos.
Se utiliza en promedio 15 grm de azúcar, en ocaciones la cantidad es mayor según la acidez de la fruta. Si existen ingredientes extras deben ser mostrados en la etiqueta de la botella.

Con el objetivo de preservar el jugo el mayor tiempo posible existen dos métodos de embotellamiento. En el primero se expone el producto a una conservación de sistemas estériles de enfriamiento y se embotella. En el segundo se hierve el jugo en un promedio de 80-85°C , posteriormente es embotellado y enfriado inmediatamente, este proceso reduce la posibilidad de la aparición de esporas, así que un proceso de esterilización ya no es necesario, siempre y cuando el jugo fue tratado a mas de 80° C, suficiente temperatura para eliminar cualquier microorganismo vegtativo.

Manufacturación de diferentes categorías

Los productos son manufacturados en diferentes categorías:

Jugo directo: éste es exprimido y procesado directamente.

Jugo:Una porción del agua es removida del jugo para su transportación y es añadida después de llegar a su lugar de destino y de ser hervida nuevamente, no se añade ningún otro ingrediente. La calidad del jugo depende directamente de si el producto final no contiene pulpa de la fruta.

Nectar: no contiene sólo jugo por completo, solo de un 25% a 40%. El producto está diluido en mayor proporción de agua, la cual es removida del jugo original y puro. Otros ingredientes son añadidos posteriormente.

Bebida de jugo de frutas:la base de esta bebida es el azúcar y no la cantidad de jugo. En este caso la bebida sólo debe de contener de un 6% a 30% de jugo de fruta.

Existe un número de incrementos en bebidas que contienen una mezcla de jugos de fruta y sueros, los cuales están siendo lanzados al mercado.


Bebidas Industria Winters (EN)

The rich history of Soft Drinks Industry Winters BV is now in its third century. Today, the bottling company is alive more than ever. With a flexible attitude and high quality standards it has become the largest Dutch soft drinks exporter. In addition, the lubricants of Shell Lubricants (taken over by Fuchs Lubricants) make the machines run optimally and food safe.

"You ask, Winters fills": that's the motto of Soft Drinks Industry Winters BV in Maarheeze (North Brabant, The Netherlands). The company is not directly known to the consumers: the company has never sold soft drinks under its own name. Still, it can look back on a long and rich history. When William Van Hooff laid the founding stone of his brewery on August 5, 1797, he could not have realised that it would become an international soft drink company in two centuries time. By inheritance to the next generations in the year 1873 Jan Winters came in charge. Since then, the brewery was known by his name. In 1918 the production of soft drinks started. Until 1958 Winters only had regional ambitions. Then the company expanded business and Winters became producer of world renowned branded as Seven-Up, Sunkist and Canada Dry. When the domestic sales of soft drinks stagnated, the sight was set on various foreign markets in the seventies. In 1978 the company became part of TLC Beatrice International Holdings. Together with the Belgian soda bottling Sunco, who belonged to the same group, it took over the French mineral water producer St. Alban in 1996. After a management buyout the holding company Sun Beverages Company emerged in 1998, comprising Winters, Sunco and St. Alban.

Contract filling

In 1989 the licenses for the production of Seven-Up and other branded products for the Dutch market ended. Since then all attention is directed to 'contract filling'. This is done on behalf of major international food companies, retailers and other commercial organizations. Winters fills cans for a range of soft drinks, energy drinks, mixed drinks, juices, waters and beers with well-known brands. Between 5 and 10% of production is destined for its own brands, such as Sun Cola and Orange, Party Cola and Orange, Provita multivitamin drink, Maresca mineral water and Megaforce energy drink. Nearly 95% of the volumes is exported worldwide and thus Winters is immediately the biggest Dutch soda exporter. Every year more than 500 million cans are filled, packed and logistically processed. Winters currently employs 120 people in permanent employment and dozens of seasonal workers. Production runs per working day in three shifts for 24 hours and during the peak season in a four or five shifts.

To realize such large numbers, Winters has three production lines. An important part of each line is the can sealing machine running at very high speeds. Two machines seal 1,200 filled cans per minute and the third will do another 625 units per minute. Frans Cox, head of utilities and engineering projects: "Such devices are very capital intensive. It is very important that they remain in good condition to produce an excellent product with a constant quality. "

For the reliability of the sealing machines the right food grade lubricants are essential. Some parts are lubricated with oil, others with grease. Oils are able to dissipate more heat and are regenerable by filtration. They are applied for the lubrication of (plain) bearings and gears. Fats are oils encapsulated in soap skeleton. They have less heat-dissipating properties, and can not be reused. The fats serve, inter alia, for the lubrication of bearings in hemming rollers. Incidentally, their lubricating frequency is lower than that of oils.

One supplier

Until ten years ago, Winters used lubricants from various manufacturers. F. Cox: "However, the need hasd arisen to rationalise the diversity of products and providers. To get a better overview, we decided to give one person decision-making authority and to work with just one supplier. The result is that if there are questions, there is only one firm where you can go to the right person. That's an advantage, because of the high speeds the machines are very sensitive and, if necessary, you should be able to rely on a rapid intervention of your lubricant supplier."

Arjan Nieuwstraten, food sector specialist of Shell Lubricants, adds: "The material of a modern beverage can is much thinner than before and therefore the method of sealing is more critical. So you can imagine the tolerances to have to work with will be smaller than before. The importance of the lubrication is thus become much greater. "

At that time Winters already bought around 70% of its lubricants from Shell Lubricants and, partly by this collaboration this supplier was chosen. "The people at Shell were always coming into action directly when needed. They were also always ready for the start up of new equipment, switching to newer oils or fats, assistance in making lubrication schedules, etc. That's why we did not have to think long about who we wanted to go into business with", F. Cox continues.

In practice, there is now a 'gentlemen's agreement' between the two parties. "A synergy has grown between our companies, based on years of trust", A. Nieuwstraten confirms. "The collaboration with Shell Lubricants is closely aligned with the expectations that we have with respect to our suppliers", F. Cox adds.

Incidentally Shell offers Winters an additional service with the Lubriplan software. This lubrication management system provides an accurate overview of the inspection points for fats and oils in the machines and generates user-friendly instructions. So it is indicated where and with what frequency there has to be checked or lubricated and with what product that needs to be done. "Moreover Lubriplan builds up a history of the objects to be lubricated. It may sometimes appear that periodic lubrication at a certain location is needed less frequent than planned. Such cost optimisations we do proactively for Winters", A. Nieuwstraten continues.

Food safety

In this industry, food safety is of paramount importance and it is essential that no contamination of the filled product occurs. The past decades mineral (engine) oils were used to lubricate can seaming machines. Because these are unfit and improper to come into contact with food, Shell Lubricants has developed a range of food grade oils and fats which are suitable for the lubrication of such equipment. They may be used in the food industry and meet the European standard and the US FDA NSF H1-H1. The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) considers incidental contact of these lubricants with the food product to be acceptable to a level of 10 ppm (parts per million). The lubricants are food safe without compromising on their lubricating properties.

Incidentally, there are two types of food grade products. In some sealing machines the lubrication takes place in a closed circuit: this process is called "recirculating oil '. For such systems Shell Lubricants has developed the synthetic oil 'Shell Cassida Fluid GLE' series. That series has excellent lubricating properties and is recognized by leading suppliers of sealing such as Angelus (USA), FMC FoodTech (Belgium) and Ferrum (Switzerland). A second process is that wherein the lubricant is used only once: the "total-loss system. For this, Shell introduced the food grade mineral oil 'Shell FM Gear Oil TLS 150'. That delivers outstanding performance, even in the presence of water, juice or beer. Moreover, this oil absorbs water, preventing rust.

Remarkable is that these Shell products were developed in cooperation with Soft Drinks Industry Winters. A. Nieuwstraten: "We gave attention both to food security and to the optimization of lubricant performance. At Winter we have gained a lot of knowledge about the lubrication of sealing machines with these products and numerous tests have led to the most sophisticated lubricants for this sector."

Quality Systems

Large beverage producers that have known branded products manufactured through contract fillers not only value high the quality of the final product. Also, the extent to which the production process is controlled and hygiene risks are avoided, plays a major role for them. Winters has responded and holds international quality certificates according to ISO 9000, 14001 and HACCP (hazard analysis critical control points). In addition, the bottling company is certified to the BRC standard (British Retail Consortium). That standard contains guidelines which food producers have to meet in order to supply the large English supermarkets. Finally, for German and French retail chains Winters has the IFS certificate (International Food Standard).

With the high quality food grade lubricants of Shell Lubricants and the high quality standards of Winter the consumer profits.

FUCHS LUBRICANTS GERMANY FUCHS es un grupo global de …
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Featured expert: Pieter Van de Schepop

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  • Lubricación de calidad alimentaria
  • Bebida
  • Azúcar
  • Jugo de frutas
  • Frutas & verduras
  • Frutas
  • Almacenamiento y transporte
  • Tanque - silo
  • Esterilización de alta presión